
injury prone

so last night i was watching tv and playing a bit on the computer.  i got up to go into the kitchen and a sharp shooting pain went through my knee. i kept walking on it, hoping it was just stiff from sitting, but later notice that it had swollen up to about a grapefruit size.  i took my little ice pack and some ibuprofen and that was my night. this morning i woke up feeling a little stiff and the knee is still swollen, though not as bad. so here i am at work, foot propped up on my modem with my little ice pack (hey, at least the ice pack is cute, right?!). i just can't put together why this happened! i haven't been back to the gym since our return from vegas (shame, shame, i know), so i just don't know why it's acting up.

anything like this ever happen to you?! i must admit, it's not unusual for me to be injured or mysteriously bruised, but i have to say this is a first.

oh well, wine and more ice to come tonight!


Anonymous said...

Oh dear, that doesn't sound good. I would go and have it checked out... I hope it's not serious. (the ice pack IS cute!)

Blogs said...

how weird. i have had this pain in my right leg for days...last night i slept a good nine hours to try and rest as best i can...i have a varicose vein that bothers me daily but working my legs out, i must have pulled muscles or something and it hurts beyond anything ever before....i did the ice pack too:) just keep it elevated, ice and hopefully it will fade:) xoxox

Unknown said...

That is weird. I am always weirded out when new bruises pop up - especially the really bad ones. It scares me that I can't recall the pain that it must have caused, you know? Anyway, I do like the ice pack, I love any reason to drink wine and all but I'm perplexed by the mystery pain too! I bet it goes away soon but if not you should have it checked out I guess. I bet you've been googling galore today, right?! Get better!

stephiejane said...

haha yes i've been on web md a lot today :) if it lasts more than a day i may go have it checked out...thanks for the encouragement ladies!

Barbara von Enger said...

Poor sweetie, hope the pain subsides soon so that you can get back to normality. I would have it look at by a specialist though.